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Mitsuhiro Tokiyama

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PostSubject: Nashihiko Kishu (Approved)   Nashihiko Kishu (Approved) Icon_minitime10/30/2010, 6:53 pm

Name: Nashihiko Kishu AKA Nash

Age: 260

Visual Age: Mid to late twenties. His body grows extremely slower then others. Due to this he is only 5'3, while still displaying a young face and body.

Years since Entrance into the Gotei 13: 200

Gender: Male

Division: 2nd

Rank: Captain


Personality: Nashihiko always acts in an aristocratic manner, seeming always serene and apathetic towards other people, even when he is actually deeply conflicted. He is extremely calm, even in battle, and is very seldom surprised by even the most drastic of actions, or events.

Captain Nash generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations that he is faced with as how he rarely views his opponent worth his time. Despite this trait, Nashihiko is a very perceptive man and is fully aware of the limits of his abilities and usually displays himself as weaker then others by keeping his reaitsu levels lower then every other Captain, normally keeping it fully locked away till it's time for battle.

Nashihiko strongly believes in law and order. As a Captain in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, he always works hard for a peaceful society. He feels that if someone in his position does not follow the rules as a good example, then no one will follow them. Because of this righteous attitude Nashihiko has shown open disdain for those who have been dishonorable towards Soul Society or who he finds to be annoying or overconfident.

As a Captain he is rarely seen smiling, always having a cold stare as he walks about the Divisions, and Soul Society as a whole. In Captain's meetings he openly voices his opinion if an idea does not seat well with him. However if it's a direct order he asks nothing and fulfills his duties, expecting the same from his Squad, and even other Captains.

Fighting Style: Despite his appearance, Nashihiko is an extremely skilled fighter, using a combination of powerful attacks and cunning deceptions. Even though he is Commander-in-Chief of the unarmed-combat specializing Onmitsukidō, Nashihiko's preferred style of combat seems to be swordsmanship. Despite this, he is adept in combining his hand-to-hand skills with his swordsmanship. His skill in swordsmanship is evident in the fact that he is the youngest head of house in the history of the high ranking Kishu family, and is the youngest and only member of the Kishu family to have reached bankai in over 100 years.

While fighting, his preferred methods of attack are to take advantage of his great agility,striking from various angles to confuse his opponent. Despite his body lacking height and frame, Nashihiko is an immensely agile fighter. In battle, he can effectively use his agility to use the battlefield to his advantage, jumping from obstacles or using his own reaitsu to keep his opponents unsure of his attack patterns. Offensively, his agility grants him great dexterity in battle, able to attack his opponent from various angles with accuracy and force.

As the leader of the Onmitsukidō and Captain of the 2nd Division Nashihiko was also required to be highly proficient in Shunpo a skill he had fine toned scene his days in the academy. Nashihiko prefers to keep his speed a secret allowing his enemies to fall into false sense of security and allowing them to underestimate his abilities. However when fighting full force he actively uses his knowledge of Shunpo techniques and is highly proficient in evasion in close quarters as well as from a distance.

Background: Nashihiko has lived a very confusing, and troublesome life, being born to the Noble house of Kishu he was repeatedly forced to train under various teachers, including his father who was the Commander of the Onmitsukidō before him. For years Nashihiko knew nothing about the second side of his family. The Kishu house was split into a high branch, and a low branch. Even if they were blood and family laws were laws, and Nashihiko was taught to look down on them for disgracing the Kishu clan for being weak. This originated many years ago when the head clan leader died and with him no heir was named. His two rivaling sons were forced to battle, and the stronger would become clan leader. Nashihiko's great great grandfather was that man, and upon becoming clan leader he reduced his brothers children to a lesser branch of the family out of hate for his younger brother.

Born to that gifted Noble family Nashihiko was destined to lead over those that were his own flesh and blood, treating them like dogs. Over the years Nashihiko came to train with his father the last clan leader, and Commander-in-chief of the Onmitsukidō even if he wasn't Captain of the 2nd Division. Over the course of half a century Nashihiko had amassed knowledge of Shinigami history, and battle techniques and at fifty-five he joined the Shinigami Academies.

Due to his previous training Nashihiko could have easily risen to the top of his class. However due to the nature of his personality he keep his skill hidden, and only did enough to pass. He would train full force at the Kishu manor, calling on one of the many underlings he had to fight against. At times he could be found in the libraries increasing his knowledge while also learning more about the nature of how the Soul Society works. It was during his third year that Nashihiko came to notice his stunted growth and after being sent to the Fourth Division they simply said his body developed a lot slower then others and because of this he starved harder to grow stronger as to make sure his duties as clan leader wouldn't some day be put in peril by poor growth. By the end of his fourth year Nashihiko had unlocked his shikai and was well on his way to graduating.

After graduation Nashihiko was sent directly to the 2nd Division where he served under his father in the Onmitsukido. His official rank was that of a 21st seat, his skills were easily that of a 7th seat yet due to his hiding his true power till the time is right, he was viewed as weak, and still underdeveloped, also due to his short size and body mas. However the one thing Nashihiko had over the rest of the Covert Ops squad was his speed, and agility. Has a unit they had to move together, limiting Nashihiko to preforming under the caliber he normally would yet because of the deceitful skills, and stealthy movements each member was forced to have he adapt quickly and even began hiding his speed unless fighting alone.

Some years past an Nashihiko's father passed away from a virus which consumed spiritual energy. Nashihiko was the current 3rd seat, and head of the Detention Unit. As a fighter and member of the clan he had no remorse for his fathers death. He had brought honor to the family and left the clan in Nashihiko's hands who took on the role, and ran both branches of the house. 3 years later Nashihiko would take up the role of Captain with the release of his bankai. As he went down in history Nashihiko came to meet a member of the lower Kishu family. His name was Arashi and he was the current Lieutenant of the 1st Squad. An honorable Rank that pleased Nashihiko, even if he didn't show it. From then on Nashihiko never once talked to Arashi or had even been seen looking at him. on several occasion Arashi has paid him a visit. As head of the lesser branch his top duty was to report everything to Nashihiko.

A months before the war between the Shinigami and the Espada Nashihiko was on a mission to disband a massive horde of hollows attack Karakura Town. Upon there defeat Nashihiko was attacked by a Vizard, unknown to him at the time that those kind of people existed. The two had a battle over Nashihiko's Noble status and the Vizards lack of respect for that fact, calling him out as a overbearing spoiled brat that was only impersonating a Captain. The battle ended in a draw when the Vizard unleashing his Hollow powers forcing Nashihiko into fighting seriously. The damage to the human world was great but easily rebuilt. Sense then Nashihiko has increased the training intensity on his squad and himself.

When the Espada's attacked Nash lead a large group of Shinigami to the real world. There he battled several hollows, and eventually come face to face with a Vizard, and an Espada. All three didn't trust one another so a three way fight began. using his speed, and skills Nashihiko was able to battle both the Espada, and Vizard in single unarmed combat till both unleashed there powers and skills. Nashihiko was forced into his shikai and battled the Vizard, whom wielded his mask and the Espada in his released form. Due to a third party being involved Nashihiko wasn't forced into using bankai because the Vizard was enough for the Espada alone that Nashihiko simply had to watch wait and strike. Nashihiko almost using the Vizard as a tool to fight the Espada, and letting the two of them beat each other to death before striking and dealing damage to the both of them.

Nashihiko did however take a large amount of damage. Simply disregarding the Espada and Vizard as they retreated Nashihiko got arrogant for but a second and the Espada give him a massive slash across his chest. For two years Nashihiko has been on leave stuck within the 4th Division on the mend. Rumor have it he's soon to reutnr to active duty.

Last edited by Nashihiko Kishu on 11/11/2010, 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Zafaron Uriuc
Zafaron Uriuc

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PostSubject: Re: Nashihiko Kishu (Approved)   Nashihiko Kishu (Approved) Icon_minitime10/31/2010, 4:42 pm

Everything seems to be in order.


Zan next.
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