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 Takeshi Shinobu

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PostSubject: Takeshi Shinobu   Takeshi Shinobu Icon_minitime10/5/2010, 4:40 pm

Name: Takeshi Shinobu
Age: 380
Visual Age: 32
Date of Birth: December 15
Date of Death: March 20
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Former Division: 3rd
Former Rank: Captain (Requesting)

Appearance:Takeshi wears a long, brownish trench coat with a high collar, under ita black, long sleeved shirt; dark grayish pants with quite a fewpockets, and grey-brown hiking shoes and brownish, fingerless gloves.All of this looks rather old and a bit worn out. His Zanpakutou is onhis left side, the scabbard being held in one of the belt rims. He’sgot long, silvery-grey hair that comes down as a fringe in front of theeyes. Overall, in length, the hair just covers the ears. His eyes aregrayish-blue. The skin color is like that of a Scandinavian person, soslightly paler then a usual white person.

Personality: Takeshiis a calm person and usually keeps his cool. He is arrogant andsomewhat anarchistic. He does not care what anyone else thinks of him.His business, choices and ideas are his own. Due to this, he prefers towork alone. He has no personal hatred towards the hollows, but stillkills them when they show up in Karakura. He does not like theShinigami that much, less than he likes hollows as a matter of fact,but again, has no personal hatred towards them. He’s not power hungry,but still prefers training to become stronger. He stays away from largegroups of people.

Fighting Style: Takeshi uses a ruthless,brutal fighting style. He does not fully rely on his blade and quiteoften uses grabs, kicks and throws. His sword attacks involve a lot ofpowerful blows. The style overall has a good balance of speed andpower. He occasionally throws his sword to disorientate the enemy, orsometimes does not draw it at all, resorting to punches and kicks. Heoccasionally taunts the enemy during a fight. Overall his fightingattitude can differ from “just playing” to dead serious. He can assessthe situation after seeing some of the enemy moves. From this he willdecide weather to use his sword/mask/release/bankai.

History:Takeshi was from a rather rough Rukon district. He had to strife andfight really hard to survive. He was with a small pack of people whoused different methods, was a teenager back then. In that group ofpeople, there was one girl that he loved. Several years they were witha group of trusted friends, untill they were attacked by a powerfulhollow. The entire group, including his girlfriend were killed. Theonly reason Takeshi survived was because the Shinigami arrived at thescene just as the hollow bit into him. The wounds were deep, but hemanaged to survive thanks to the medics of the Shinigami. This is whenhe decided to become a Shinigami, and prevent something like this fromhappening again. Joining the academy, it took him five years tograduate. During this time he was mainly focusing on his martial artsrather than kido. When graduated, he was assigned to the third squad.Two more years of duty passed before he learned his Zanpakutou’s name.He was not a seated officer, yet soon after, he had three years ofmilitary success. This is when he was assigned to the eleventh divisionas a fourth seat. From there on, followed twenty-five years of serviceuntil he was assigned as a lieutenant. However, it was also at thispoint where there were symptoms of some strange sickness coming up.They were not sever, however. He could still perform his duty as alieutenant. Ten more years passed, and Takeshi mastered his Ban Kai.Just two years later he was offered to become a captain. He decided toreturn to the third division. Coincidentally, the current captain wasgetting promoted to squad zero. After a demonstration of his Ban Kai aswell as his fighting capabilities, he was granted the captain’s seat.However, during this time period, the symptoms of his sicknessworsened. He suspected the source of the sickness. Yet it did not stophim from performing well as a captain. For the next fifty years he wasa successful captain, until an incident happened. Something happened onone of his missions. When the other squad showed up at the scene, theysaw the massacred members of the seventh squad and a hollow that veryclosely resembled a human. As a matter of fact, the only hollow thingabout it was the mask. By the uniform, the soldiers recognized Takeshiand he was restrained, not without a fight of course. He was meant tobe executed, without even an attempt to cure the infection, but hemanaged to escape. He knew that he will not be able to outrun theShinigami in Soul Society, so he fled to the Real World, where heresides today. It was there where he managed to suppress his innerhollow and master its abilities.

Takeshi Shinobu lives inKarakura town, in a small apartment, which is a few stories above thestore he works. He can sometimes be seen on the roof of the buildingtraining. As far as he is concerned, Takashi is the only being withpower in the city or in the area. All he knows is that the incidenthappened after he met a certain individual who offered him to cure thesickness. He suspects that he is the cause, and knows that with hisnext meeting, that individual will die by his hand.
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Shinobu   Takeshi Shinobu Icon_minitime10/5/2010, 8:05 pm

Here's the order :

Roleplay Sample.
Character Creation.

This is especially important due to the fact you are trying to nab yourself a captain for your former position.

Locked until things are done in order.
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