Looking up as Captian-Commander Zafaron used his mace blunt object weapon of brokeness, Havon, Arasho found himself blasted back into the 1st division's training barracks upside down hanging from a rake of swords. A bit of blood dripping from his head as the room grew silent, and blank.
Snapping up in a flash of sweat Arashi cleaned his face of the terror his dreams had brought forth to him. Dancing with the stars, Expenables edition. Something were simply off limits for men to do. That was only third of the list. however after his short internal breakdown and mid life crisis Arashi noticed he was ina not so beautiful land several unicorns, and feather glittered across the fields of lush candy canes. A small panda so cute roll towards him. With a smile Arashi unshealthed his blade and slashed clean through it. It's blodd seemingly replaced with cotton candy.
"Da fuck???"
He didn't the horror befaling him till he came into view some odd distance away.