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 Lenz and Bettina Adler

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Lenz Adler

Lenz Adler

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PostSubject: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/9/2010, 11:11 pm

Name: Adler Lenz
Name: Adler Bettina
Age: 27(Lenz)
Age: 25(Bettina)
Gender: Male
Gender: Female
Level: High
Level: High
Grade: N/A
Grade: N/A
Job: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
Job: Mercenary/Bounty Hunter
Looks: Height: 5'10"; Slender/Musculear Build; Short, Black Hair(Spikey in the front); Dark

Blue Eyes; Light Skin; Wears a dark grey, hooded cloak over a steel plate and chainmail, steel

vambraces, steel greeves w/black pants.

Looks: Height: 5'6"; Slender build; Long, dark orange hair that is put up in a poney tail that

comes down to abput mid-thigh w/bangs framing her face; Sea Green Eyes; fair skin; she wears

pretty much what Lenz wears only a bit more feminine, her steel greaves come up just above the

thigh and her black shorts leave about 6" of skin expose but is protected by chainmail, she

doesn't wear a steel plate either rather she wears more of a steel jacket and the skin that is

exposed skin is protected by light chainmail, her cloak is left open down the middle aswell, her

steel vambraces are pretty much the same as Lenz's but less bulky.

Ability Information(Lenz)

Name: Death Manikin
Type: Ofense and Defence
Manipulation Range: Max: 2 Mi
Description: Battle Puppet-like weapons used to bait enemies into a fight, aid in a fight,

fight, or to destract the enemies. These deadly dummies are very senister in their outward

apearance and humanoid DMs often have a set of horns or longated fangs. All DMs have more

than one eye but mostly have one to two main eyes, the main eye(s) usualy being the bigest, these

eyes can come with or without pupils depending on the model. Not all DM, however, are

humanoid and come in many shapes and sizes, each shape/size having purpose in its main

objective. The most used DM takes the form of a scorpion-like creature with sythe-like claws with

the ability to unfold and retract, a alien looking head with three horns make this ugly piece of

weaponry even more intemedating. The head of this DM, called a Scorpit, has two serrated horns

on the back of the head, these two horns are swept backwards, the third horn coming from the

chin, this third horn is also serrated but is swept forward at a 90 degree angle making the short

third horn look more like a serrated chinspike. The Scorpit model is also the most versetile being

able to carry many weapons including, smoke bombs, poison smoke bombs, other forms of

chemical gas bombs, TNT, throwing knives, etc. The Scorpit also has the ability to emit different

gases from its body and breathe fire, water jet, or poison gas. The Scorpit also can create screach

like noise that is ear piercing, depending on the enemy this screech can paralize if not completey

irritate and cause pain in ones ears. For an example of the sound think of a high pitched version

of razors against a chalk bored amplified to about 170 dB, that's ten decibles short of fatal. The

Scorpit also has a sister model called a Kamekaze Scorpit, as the name sugests, this scorpit is

meant soley for destruction by self-destruction. The Kamekaze Scorpit also has two tails instead

of one, however, unlike the Scorpit the Kamekaze Scorpit does not have a pincer with a

retractible blade but claws at the end of its tails, using these tails like grasshoper legs and lunging

itself at the openent. The Kamekaze Scorpit features a death grip making it nearly imposible to

free ones self from a firey end, even captains will find it extremely difficult to break free if not

imposible. The Kamekaze Scorpit also has a thick red stripe running down the middle of its head,

down its back, and spling in half to run the full length of the tails. Just like the Scorpit, Kamekaze

Scorpit also has a deafining screach.
There are many other modelssome used as armored transport rather than fighting and some

models have reported to be the size of fortresses and often taking the form of giant hermit crabs.
Every fighting DM is poisonous some will notice the deady black liquids oozing from the blades.

Name: Mind Cast
Type: Ofense and Defence
Manipulation Range: Max: 1.5 Mi
Description: Using an eye in the palm of his left hand, Lenz can cast illusions on multiple

oponents at once, having the ability to even fool the sixth sence. The illusions can only be casted

if and only when the eye is open and the eye is often concealed by a leather glove. Once the eye

opens anyone within manipulation range can and will be affected no matter the strength/rank, only

able to be countered by another illusion or an illusion breaking technique/kido. The trigger is

simply to be within range when the eye is uncovered and opened. However, the eye can also be

used to read minds and give Lenz the ability dive into someone elses mind or bridge his mind with

another person.However, Despite having Mind Cast, Lenz will hardly ever use this technique and

will only usualy use it as a last minute resort, his hail mary, if you will.

Weapon Information(Lenz)

Name: Death Manikins(DMs)
Type: Offensive/Deffensive/Support
Description: (Read First Ability Description)
Special Perks: Using an ability to transform a humanoid DM into a clone-like copy of

himself or other people, he can use the humanoid DMs as a sort of quick getaway, espionage, or

Number: Multiple (Max number nearly infinate)

Ability Information(Bettina)

Name: Shadow Manipulation
Type: Ofense and Defence
Manipulation Range: As long as there are shadows preseant, as far as she can see
Description: Bettina lacks the ability to teleport using these shadows and
often uses them as a capturing technique. She can also use shadows to make silloute-like clones
of herself and even make weapons/barriors.

Name: Heal
Type: Support
Range: Immediate Area
Description: The ability to heal anyone, including herself in the immediate area. She doesn't have to make physical contact to heal someone other than herself
However, physical contact is usualy twice as affective. This healing technique can be considered a kido in the Bleach world.

Weapon Information(Bettina)

Name: Sand Cleaver
Type: Offensive
Description: Normal-looking Daito with a brass hilt and a short inscription in strange glyphs down the middle of the blade. She carries a smaller Shoto version in a Daisho fasion and

straped to her waste under her cloak by a black sash
Special Perks: It's a normal sword and doesn't have any special percs. However, there may be a way to change that...
Number: 1

Name: Sand Cleaver Shoto
Type: Offensive
Description: Normal-looking Shoto with a brass hilt but unlike the Sand Cleaver, there are no glyphs down the blade. The handles for both katanas are silver with a black grip wrap.
Special Perks:It's a normal sword and doesn't have any special percs. However, there may be a way to change that...
Number: 1

Name: Long Bow
Type: Offensive (Long Range)
Description: A metalic long bow with a powerful release, sending arrows through the air acurately with speeds acceeding those of arrows shot by normal bows. Thanks to its special throng this bow has the ability to fire
multiple arrows both horizontaly and verticly. However, due to the fact that it will often creak as it
is drawn, it's stealth factor is next to zero. It also has the ability to fold out simply by adjusting the grip and turning into a four-pronged long bow, this upgrade alows more arrows to be knocked
and making a barrage affect. While unfolded the long bow's power is doubley increased.
Number: 1

Extra Information

Family: Adler
Personality(Lenz): Cunning and calculating he can easily adjust his mood no matter what his true feelings. He is cool headed and has a long fuse when it comes to anger management. He
often is more of a tactition, using his DMs as chess pieces. He is also somewhat lazy.

Personality(Bettina): Calm and Collected she can easily adjust to the flow of battle. She has a heart made of gold and tries to help those in need. However, if it one is her oponent she shows no
mercy or fear and has a very brave disposition. She uses most of her abilities to aid Lenz un battle

Likes(Lenz): A fun fight and getting paid. Favorite food is rice and pork
Dislikes(Lenz): What he calls "A pain in the ass" and walking away empty handed
Likes(Bettina): A fun fight, being able to help, and getting paid. Her tastes are eclectic when it comes to food and will try almost anything that seems edible.
Dislikes(Bettina): Meanigless fights, and those quick to putdown people who are weaker or seem weaker.

Fears(Lenz): Nothing
Fears(Bettina): Not much

Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Married


Lenz and Bettina's last job wasn't a normal request but a treasure hunting mission. They usualy wouldn't agree to take on such an odd job but the reward was to great to pass up. Fortunately for them the're employer had already tracked it down. The problem for the employer, a rich arestocrat, was that the trail led to a cave. Too scared to go in himself he hired the two mercs to go down the cave for him. The two would make their way several miles beneath the surface of the planet before reaching a giant casm at the bottom of the cave. Amoung the piles of gold and riches stood two odd-looking armored doors. The two novice treasure hunters had nrver seen something like this. The doors seemed to lead no where as there was nothing behind them. As they started to gather up the wealth to bring it back up to the surface the doors began to open. A strange, bright and blinding light shown through the opening, perhaps this was part of the misssion? The two decided to check it out and steped causiosly into the light. When their eyes adjusted and the light demed they found themselves in a new and stranger world.
They found themselves in the Soul Society, standing in the gates of the Seireitei itself...

Last edited by Lenz Adler on 12/11/2010, 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mistress of the House

Mistress of the House

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/9/2010, 11:16 pm

It's quite obvious that you didn't read the rules at all.
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Lenz Adler

Lenz Adler

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/11/2010, 12:55 pm

I apologize, please tell or show me the rules I have broken and I shall be more than willing to rectify my errors.

However, seeing as how it may be my background, I will go ahead and correct it.

If there are anymore problems please tell me.
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Mistress of the House

Mistress of the House

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/11/2010, 4:18 pm

Try reading the rules section, sugah. You're going out of order with your application and you're not even using the template we have here. In short, most of your app breaks a rule in some way, shape, or form.
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Lenz Adler

Lenz Adler

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/12/2010, 7:17 pm

I see, alright, well I'll revise it again.

Edit: Dag on, you guys are gonna make me write an essay, lol.
I can see that these characters here aren't gonna fly no matter what angle I throw them at.
I guess I'll start from scratch and make a totally different character.
Alright, here I go.

BTW, sence this thread is obviously null and void, what are ya gonna do with it? Not that I care, just curios.
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Mistress of the House

Mistress of the House

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/12/2010, 7:48 pm

Lock it, more than likely. Head admin dislikes deletion. I'm glad you recognize they won't fly, most just try to cram their guys in anyway. I smell promise in you, promise or lasagna.
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Lenz Adler

Lenz Adler

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/12/2010, 7:59 pm

Lol, thanks. This isn't my first time around a forum, I've learned the hard way that humility and attention to spelling errors in the begenning will get you a long way. Ha ha ha ha
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Mistress of the House

Mistress of the House

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/12/2010, 8:31 pm

Yup yup.
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Zafaron Uriuc
Zafaron Uriuc

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Location : California Dude!

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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime12/12/2010, 8:46 pm

Thumbs up to everyone involved, especially you Lenz. I sense great promise in ya. Moving this to archives. Hope your next character goes better.
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PostSubject: Re: Lenz and Bettina Adler    Lenz and Bettina Adler  Icon_minitime

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