Bankai is originally available for all Captain-class Shinigamis and Elite Vizards. This means that all other Vizards and Shinigami have to train to achieve it.
1. A new topic must be made explaining all of the information about your bankai. Appearance, release phrase, ability and any new techniques you develop with it.
2. An admin or mod must post and approve of it before the training can begin.
3. You also need to then spend 200 points to train for the Bankai. This becomes 100 points if you are a Vizard Rogue who was a previous captain. That is the only exception.
4. Once approved, you need to post a 2000 word training roleplay in your topic.
5. You can train with another person, but the person training still needs to have 2000 words within their own posts. The other person's does not count.
6. You must still roleplay in this section! We want to see what your character is going through physically, emotionally, and mentally as they strive to achieve the final form of their zanpakuto. Go into lots of detail, it helps really get into the mind of your character and also will make the 2000 words less daunting.
7. You can also participate in practice fights and the main story while in the middle of training. However, once completed you will immediately gain the power in both areas.
8. Inform a staff member when you have completed your training and they will approve or deny it.
9. Bankai are especially unusual because after you gain 100 more points you can for free gain a bankai only technique. This is to show that you have gained more knowledge of your bankai over time.
These numbers are subject to change. However, if you finished your training even five minutes before we change the numbers, you will be held to the original numbers and not required to change anything.